Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tournament Checklist

Below is a list of what you need to focus on when coming to the tournament.

  • Have your fishing license with you at all times in case a police officer checks
  • Be aware and follow all Oregon fishing regulations 
  • Check the swell reports the day before the tournament (
  • Pay the $25 entry fee
  • Be aware of start and end time (once the tourney ends, be sure to be at the weigh-in station before the deadline or your catch will be disqualified)
  • Always clean up any mess you make - bring a plastic bag to put your own garbage in
  • If you clean fish afterwards, you must put the carcasses in a bag and take it home with you

Also, note that at all of these tournaments, you are welcome to go fish at other nearby beaches.  If you do, be sure to give yourself some driving time to make it back to the weigh-in station by the deadline.  Remember, summertime traffic on HWY 101 can be pretty busy during the summer.

Please respect everyone and obey all laws so we can all continue to enjoy these tournaments - which are made possible by the Oregon Parks and Recreation.

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Low swell tomorrow

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