Monday, September 2, 2019

Canceled 2nd Annual Oregon Surf Fishing Championship

I am so sorry for having to cancel the 2nd Annual Oregon Surf Fishing Championship tournament due to not having the proper paperwork filled out. I had checked with the ODFW but did not check with the Oregon State Parks Dept to ensure we could hold the tournament.

I know many people drove long distances today to be part of the Championship and that many people were disappointed today that they weren’t able to be in today’s tournament. I know many of you had to schedule time off work, changed your schedules to participate and I can’t tell you how sorry I am that we had to cancel the tournament.

When I first started organizing these tournaments in 2016, we had 15 to 20 people participate and I was told by an Oregon State Park’s employee that permits weren’t required. What I didn’t realize that with the tournaments growing to close to 100 people, it would require permits and insurance.

So, I apologize again for having my subscribers pay for my learning mistakes. I feel very badly for not meeting my commitment to all of you. I’m still learning on how to do things the right way as I really never expected things to grow this big so fast. I promise I will do better in the future.

However, the silver lining was that I got to meet a lot of great people, we had a small social at the end where we raffled off a few hats, many anglers got fish including some big ones and most of all, the community spirit of surf fishing was clear to see with so many people staying to fish.

It’s an awesome sight to see so many people lined to surf fish at the same time and wabt to be part of that experience! It doesn’t happen very often and it might be a bit crowded but it’s also a unique opportunity to be part of that kind of experience and feel part of something bigger than just surf fishing.

We didn’t get a lot of photos today but here’s a few we did get.

There were some big perch caught today and several people did quite well. Many caught silver perch so action was decent. Almost everyone was getting bites and not many saw zero action so at least the bite was decent for those that stayed and fished.
I want to thank all of you who came today and I’m sorry you weren’t able to be part of the tournament. I’ve been so looking forward to this year’s Championship as soon as last year’s ended and had high hopes for a great event.

I am going to try and reschedule the tournament for the end of September/early October but I have to ensure I fully investigate all state and local regulations before doing that. I will do an update in a week or so on YouTube and so check there for any updates.

I hope that those of you who stayed to fish caught a few for dinner and those that left were not too disappointed.

If you haven't heard, the Championship has been rescheduled to September 28, 2019 at Ona BeachClick here to read more.

In the meantime, TIGHT LINES EVERYONE !

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